Copyright 2021 Kriton Immobilien GmbH
All rights reserved.
Kriton Immobilien GmbH
Kaiserstraße 14 b
80801 Munich, Germany
Phone +49 (0)89 710 4096-0
Fax +49 (0)89 710 4096-29
Authorised representatives:
Andreas Hauff, managing director
Alfried Lewandowski, managing director
Responsible person according to press laws:
Andreas Hauff
Registered office:
Munich, HRB 169353
Status information to be specified according to Sect. 12 of the German regulation on financial assets agents (FinVermV) in conjunction with the licence according to Sect. 34f of the German industrial code (GewO):
Kriton Immobilien GmbH, Kaiserstraße 14 b, Phone +49 (0)89 710 4096-10,
Financial assets agents with a permit according to Sect. 34f Para. 1 No. 1, 2 and 3 GewO
Registered as financial assets agents according to Sect. 11a Para. 1 GewO under the number D-F-155-MHU3-68.
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revive buildings.
create value.
generate profit.